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TED - Supplementary Document Notes

RPC SPC2 #9 1969 C-Range

Many of the RPC SPC2 #9 error entries, eighteen to be exact, were gleaned from the #9 copy in the British Only Library. Throughout the BO copy many notes and corrections are penciled in, all in one hand, by appearance.

The majority of handwritten corrections are deletions of items not supplied in the USA. I did not include those deletions in TED, only the Reference Number, Part Number, and Figure errors.

Such mass deletions would make sense if the RPC was for GE, General Export. The British Only Library copy doesn't include either a market designation or the SPC-2 part number, only "#9".

The part number corrections have been vetted for current relevancy by online searches for both the original and corrected part numbers. A few of the penciled in part number corrections turned out to be invalid and they were not included in TED. In one or two cases both numbers fetched the desired result. In those cases the updated part number was included in TED.

Figure 13 made quite a mess of Reference Numbers. For those errors a hyperlink is supplied to a corrected version of the figure. There was one pencil reference that I couldn't make out: the lock washer for Ref.19, head steady bolt.

There were also a few corrections that seemed either obsolete or simply inconsequential and I excluded them from TED. An example would be a corrected part number for a fuse holder.

Reference: Download British Only 20-10189C PDF